My intent was to bore you with
scholarly words and definitions and throw in some cool quotes but somehow my googling
led me to Yoda and this video. What is
Wisdom? Is what Wisdom? Wisdom what is? Wisdom is what? Not sure which way
Yoda would transpose that question but the answer would no doubt present itself
in words that would push us to do and be our best.
As a book junkie, I think I will enjoy this blog. I had a lot of faith in my undergrad education -- until I went to grad school. It was a great experience, but I realized just how little I actually knew. Then a few years later, I became a mother …
As a book junkie, I think I will enjoy this blog. I had a lot of faith in my undergrad education -- until I went to grad school. It was a great experience, but I realized just how little I actually knew. Then a few years later, I became a mother …