Monday, February 10, 2014

Pass the 'Mic' to Me Please

The daughter of an auctioneer, I grew up hearing voices
magnified from a mic. I watched old things held up
wondering why anyone would want to buy ‘that’ only to
see hands and voices strongly rise demanding to win the
bid for what another no longer wanted. “One dollar, two,
who will give me three?” Dad rolled the words so
fast I often missed the bids but knew the winning
hand by the number held high at the very end.

Mic still in hand, I’ve grown to see dad’s words
magnify across the room to reach down to the hopeless.
Many wondering why anyone would want to give ‘that’ person
another chance. One person, two, who will make it three?
Dad speaks of the one who makes old things new
and gives value to lives others thought were through. I
may never hold the mic of preacher or auctioneer but
may my voice magnify hope like that of my dad’s.  ~jdl


*For a class assignment I had to write something about myself.  The challenge was to write two sections, eight lines each, with ten words in each line. As my dad has made such an impact on my life, of course I had to write about him.

Fun song that reminds me of my dad!

Billy Graham once said, "I don't need a successor, only willing hands to accept the torch for a new generation." May I take the 'torch' (or 'mic') of hope my dad has projected most all of my life, and make a difference in my world.