Friday, August 22, 2014

He Seeks Me

Sometimes in the busyness of my day I hear my name, soft and gentle, with a tinge of pain. I wonder why anyone would chase after someone who continually runs away from them. So grateful to be loved, but not knowing what to say, I go stubbornly on my way.

"Where art thou my child?" I often hear him ask. Why would HE who knows ALL, sees ALL...ask where I hide?  Of course He knows where I am. He just doesn't want to force me out from amongst the stuff I hide. These gifts that demand so much of my time.

Instead He walks right by whispering my name and these words... 
"Seek and ye shall find."  And yet, He seeks...for me.

A King searching for my peasant heart. One poor, not pure, and plain.
"Just let me be" my actions cry. Whatever from me could such greatness gain?

He doesn't give up despite my stubborn pride. This time, like Adam in the garden, accusations fly.

"These gifts you gave me Lord, they are to blame."
And didn't you give me a job... to tend, to care, to name?"

I hear a sigh.

His eyes so full of knowing, yet so full of love. Of course I feel ashamed. For another day of life, the least I owe is praise. Do I run to him or stay? 

I should worry that one day he may stop this game of hide and seek and walk away. But busyness violently plays tug of war and I find myself again amongst my stuff...empty and drained. 

If only I would pray.

“I have been driven many times upon my knees by the overwhelming conviction that I had no where else to go. My own wisdom and that of all about me seemed insufficient for that day.”  ~Abraham Lincoln

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