Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Being Green

Have you ever felt invisible? Or perhaps you have felt so different that you feel like you don't belong? Being ignored or made fun of are experiences all of us have felt at some point in our lives. We can get so caught up in the pain of rejection that our purpose for living is easily forgotten.

So what do you do when this happens to you? Even one of our favorite frogs has had his moments of feeling invisible...yet he wisely realizes the importance of accepting himself for who he is.

“Success is liking yourself, liking what you do, and liking how you do it.” ~Maya Angelou


  1. Awh I like this post! :) I've enjoyed looking through your blog! I decided I should come check it out after seeing you have the most hits of anyone in the class! Congrats! And thanks for linking to my blog! :)

  2. I can so relate to this song, so when I heard it the other day I just had to post it! : )

    I've been sick recently so trying to play 'catch up' on posting so you just happened to check in during my 'construction' period. Your page one of my favs and hoping to actually follow your advice (not just read it) so I can be on the path to a better me physically too!
